Author Archives: Mega Sugianto

Mega Sugianto was raised in Indonesia, and there she saw things that were daunting: child sex trafficking, a large homeless population, and orphanages that did not have adequate necessities for their children. Since then, she decided that broadcast journalism would be a perfect fit to share the stories that she has seen. After a few classes in journalism at California State University, Fullerton–she developed a dream to become a reporter. Mega’s internship at KTLA-5 gave the fundamentals of news writing and editing. Her mentor, Lynette Romero has taught Mega about creating memorable stories. During her last year of college, Mega went on a 2-week reporting class in Vietnam, where she placed her reporting skills to the test. After meeting previous VOICES students, Mega was inspired at how much they learned–how to edit video and even audio. The program will shape her to become the best reporter she can be, especially how to engage in modern journalism–social media and new technology.

After the crash: When a story finds the reporter

Cab accident

A dream came true this week when I arrived in New York. As a Voices reporter, I was sent out to explore the city for stories. But on my way to Rockefeller Center, I heard tires screech and the boom ...

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How to make the most of your convention


Whether it’s your first time or you’re a veteran at the AAJA convention, there is a lot happening at once: meeting new people, attending workshops, scoping out the career expo and maybe even landing that dream job, or at least ...

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